I chose to review "What I Think" by Jason H., I agree with what Jason says in his blog about the bailout for the motor companies. I do not however think he did a very good job of getting his point across. If you are trying to sway an audience you need to do the research so that you have facts to back up your claims. I have written a "rant" blog myself before so I have to cut him some slack. The motor companies need to try to settle without being bailed out, but Jason we must continue to buy
American no matter how inferior you may feel they are. We have enough of our money leaving the country. I am afraid if the companies are bailed out, they will just repeat the past and in a few years we will be back here again. Let them start by closing some of the many, many, many dealerships. Work together and combine forces to save themselves, no more corporate jets, no more million dollar bonus. Jason hit it on the head when he said they got themselves into this let them get out on their own.